A Multi-Cultural Church Requires More Than Slacktivists

Monday Morning Commentary

Pastor Craig concluded Missions March with a message entitled, “ A Multicultural Church Requires More than Slacktivists.” Slacktivists are people who share a strong social or political opinion on social media, yet do not do anything about it online. It’s easy to share an inspiring quote or rally around a cause online. It takes effort to share our voices and act in our everyday life. Our culture is at a cross roads politically, economically, and racially- and so are we as a church. 

The word of God speaks clearly to racial and political reconciliation. In short, Ephesians 2:11- 3:10 tells us that God tore down the dividing wall of hostility between Jew and Gentile. Jews and Gentiles today would be the equivalent of black and white or black and hispanic etc. In the Jewish culture, there was literally a wall around the synagogue with words written, “If any Gentile goes beyond this wall, they are responsible for their own death.” Our culture is no different. In America, political discussions have revolved around building a wall around our border 

Take a moment to reflect: 

1. What walls have you built in your life to keep people that are different from you out? 

2. Are there any groups of people you are tense around? 

3. Ask God- Where do these walls come from? What am I afraid of? 

Ephesians 3:10 tells us that all this (God tearing down the walls of hostility and building his church) is so that God’s multi-faceted wisdom may now be made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavens. 

The spirit of God has chosen to dwell in us and specifically within the context of His church body. Some people ask, “How involved should I be in Church?” The better question is, “How much do you want God to move in your life?” Seriously, take a moment and ask, “How much do I want God to move in my life?” God does not just minister to us individually but through one another. If you want the fullness of what God has to offer, it’s time to commit to a local church body. 

Also in the passage it says God wants to show his multi-faceted wisdom. His multi-faceted wisdom is displayed in His multi-cultural people. A group of people who share one culture gathering together is not miraculous. A group of people who have nothing in common but Christ is. God wants to unify All people together for himself. 

Ask yourself: 

  • “Do I ever hang out with people from a different culture than me? 

  • “How often?” 

  • “If not, why?” 

Unity is not easy. Unity is not for slacktivists. 

  • Satan hates unity and does all he knows to do to stop it. 

  • Pride seeks to elevate us above those who are different. 

  • Preference keeps us glued to those we feel most comfortable around. 

  • Apathy convinces us it isn’t worth it. 

  • Lack of empathy causes us to feel disconnected. 

  • Unforgiveness persuades us that we deserve to be defended. 

What deters you from unity? Is it spiritual warfare, pride, preference, apathy, lack of empathy, or unforgiveness? God wants to show you a whole new side of himself! Will you get out of your comfort zone and connect to him through new people?

Savanna Brown