Authority & Three Crosses

Monday Morning Commentary

This week Pastor Chad continued in our series for Missions March. When it comes to authority, how we relate to God is through faith. Faith is relational trust, and it’s trust in God, not ourselves. 

In the story of the centurion in Luke 7, we see a centurion who had biblical humility that recognized Jesus authority as superior to his own. When God moves on our behalf, based on our faith, he moves by His Words. As we recognize we are under God’s authority, we recognize we are his mobile soldiers in his kingdom (2 Tim. 2:3). 

1. The Cross of “Go". As we recognize God is in authority over us, he calls us to go and make disciples (Matt. 28:18). We are not just going to work, in relationship with people, eating, sleeping, without purpose. We are soldiers for the Kingdom on mission as we go, as we fellowship, as we go to work. If we want to see the supernatural in our lives for the Kingdom of God, we have to present the natural parts of our lives as we go throughout our days and weeks. What part of your life do you need to present to God? How can you commit to seeing life through a Kingdom perspective? 

2. The Cross of “Come”. After we are on mission and going, God will ask us to come (Luke 6:46). This is a Cross because we have been on the Go and think resting is going to hinder us going. But actually, what will hinder us from going further for the kingdom of God, is us not resting to get refreshed, deeper revelation of God and his character, and strength to keep Going. God asks us to come to him (Mt. 11:28), he asks us to come and see (Jn. 1:46), he asks us to come after Him (Luke 14.27), he asks us to come aside and rest (Luke 6: 30-31), and he asks us to come out of “the boat” (Matt. 14:28-31). In what ways can you stop and come to God, and fellowship with Him, and allow him to reorient your perspective for the Kingdom? 

3. The Cross of “Do This”. In every season God will ask us to do things that are specific to us (Luke 10:25-28). It may be out of our gifting. It may be out of our comfort zone, and this is why it is a cross. What is God asking you specifically to do in this season, to prepare you for the Cross of your purpose? 

As we continue in Missions March and growing in our faith, God will ask us to go, come, and do this. Would we submit to his Lordship over our lives? Are you willing to come under his roof so our faith can grow? How can you take the time to receive the grace needed to obey Him? Remember as we fellowship with God we are on mission.

Savanna Brown