Down to Loose

Monday Morning Commentary

Yesterday Pastor Chad continued our December Down to Earth series with a message entitled Down to Loose. Jesus did not come down to earth as a warrior king, but as a babe in a barn. With all the evil in the world, how is it God’s wisdom to send us a helpless baby rather than a full grown man ready to demolish injustice? 

Luke 1:78 tells us, “Through the tender mercy of God, with which the day spring from on high has visited us; to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. To guide our feet into the way of peace.” 

Many of us are desperate for peace. We wish someone would come and destroy all the things causing us unrest. Luke 1:78 paints a different picture. God does not snatch our feet into the way of peace, he guides our feet into the way of peace. God does not snap the world into a peaceful place because he sees that the source of evil in our lives and in our world is much deeper- all evil and unrest springs forth from the human heart. 

In John 1:27, John the Baptist proclaimed that though his (Jesus’) ministry follows after mine I am not worthy to loose his sandal. John the Baptist was worthy to prepare the way for Jesus, preach, and baptize but he could not loose Jesus sandals. What is the meaning of this? Feet and sandals in ancient days represented all of where that person had been. When people wore sandals all of the residue from where they had been walking was on their feet. John the Baptist was not worthy to touch where Jesus had been. This story demonstrates that there are times in life where no one else has the power to loose you feet than Jesus. Only Jesus can loose you from all the evil places your feet have walked due to the evil in your heart. 

Don’t misunderstand. Evil is not just the obvious lying, stealing, cheating, drunkenness, and sexual immorality. It is also just as much busyness, anger, strife, aimless conduct, and barrenness. Jesus longs to loose your feet from it all. 

As much as Jesus came to loose our feet, he also came to loose our tongues. 

When Jesus was born angels proclaimed good tidings of great joy and they praised and glorified God. We also see in scripture that before he was born Zechariah did not believe so God bound his tongue until the birth of Jesus where he prophesied. God wants to loose a tongue of faith in him. God desires to give us the joy of worshipping him unashamed. 

God came down as a baby to loose us. There is something about a baby that causes us to reevaluate where our feet are going and what our mouths are proclaiming. Even the most hardened man will not curse to the face of an infant. The busiest of people are forced to slow down and attend to every move of a new born baby. 

This Holiday season take the time to slow down. Ask God to show you all the places you have been and where he desires to lead your feet into more peace. Think about how you have used your words and not used your words. God desires to unleash your tongue to do his will on the earth. Persist and praise him.

Savanna Brown