Majors and Minors in the School of Prophets
Monday Morning Commentary
All month long we are looking at the Minor prophets, the book of the 12. Hosea, Amos, Micah, Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi are the minor prophets. They are called minor because they are short in length not because they are less important. Yesterday, Pastor Chad’s message “Majors and Minors in the School of Prophets” highlighted the nature of prophecy from these 12 short books.
A Minor Amount of Words Have a Major Impact
Think of a time where someone said one nice thing to you and it changed your life. It may have been a phrase like, “I’m proud of you!”, “I love you!”, or “Will you marry me?”. Now think of a time where someone said something negative, and it affected your life for the worse, “You will never amount to anything.”, “I hate you.”, or “I want a divorce.”
A few words can shift your life in a completely different direction for better or worse. The minor prophets being short in length do not negate their power or importance. God does not have to give a lot of words to prophesy to a nation or speak into your life today. A few words from God pierced Israel’s heart, and a few words from him can change your life as well.
2. What Makes Words Prophetic are their Timeliness
The minor prophets were God’s last words before Christ was to come. They were given at a crucial point in Israel’s history pointing to where they had been and what God was about to do. Time in Greek has two words Kronos which refers to the succession of minutes, hours, and days and Kairos which refers to seasons. Prophetic words are not only spoken at the right Kronos time but are meant for a Kairos time.
The first Kairos time we see in the Bible is with Adam and Eve where after they sinned God asked Adam, “Where are you?” God knew where Adam was physically. He was talking to him. God asked Adam this question so that Adam would realize where he was spiritually. Kairos times are designed to reveal where we are at with the Lord and for us to invite him into the places where we have kept him at a distance.
Every Kairos moment is for God’s eternal purpose. The Kairos moments in a nation’s life, a church’s life, or an individual’s life is one milestone within the greater picture of what God has been doing, is doing, and is going to do on the earth. In order to interpret the Kairos moments God has for us, we have to know the whole story of his word.
3. Believe the Words and Prosper
When God speaks and brings us to Kairos moments, it is believing his words that cause us to prosper. It is in faith and obedience that his word is solidified in us and we move further into his will. 2 Chronicles 20:20 tells us, “Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.”
No act of faith is minor before God; though it may not be major before men.
Mark 14:3- tells us the story of the woman with an alabaster box that she used to pour all over Jesus. It was a minor act that Jesus called major and has now been preached wherever the name of Jesus has been proclaimed. Her action based on the belief that Jesus was the son of God caused her to prosper.
This week think about the minor words that have shaped your life. Whose said those words to you? Have they shaped you for better or worse? Allow God to reveal the season he has for you and to bring Kairos moments into your life so that you can grow closer to him. After you have heard from him, believe his words by acting in faith, and you will prosper.